Blends Clip Art Big Bundle - VOLUME TWO

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This  Blends Volume 2 Bundle is a Second Edition/Volume 2 set. 

Many of you have asked for a second set of Blends clip art for variety. Once completed this bundle will contain 400 images (200 color and 200 black & white 300dpi png). Each image is unique to Blends Volume 2.

* Buy the bundle and save big!

* Words with an arrow also come without an arrow

* L Blends (120 images: 60 color, 60 b/w)

  • BL (10 words): block, blow, blind, blimp, blouse, blanket, blender, blueberry, blossom, blindfold, 
  • CL: (10 Words) clover, clothes, clam, clown, claw, clap, club, climb, clip, clue
  • FL: (10 words) fly, flip, flute, flood, flamingo, floss, flower,float, flat, flash,
  • GL: (10 words) glad, glue, glow, glass, glove, globe, gloomy/glum, glasses, glacier, gladiator,
  • PL: (10 words) plate, plant, planet, plum, platypus, plug, plank, pliers, playground, plane,
  • SL: (10 words) slide, sled, slice, sleep, slug, sling, sleeve, slippers, sleigh, slope, 

* R Blends - (140 images: 70 color, 70 b/w)
  • BR: (10 words) bracelet, bride, brain, breeze, brush, braid, broccoli, bread, branch, broken
  • CR: (10 words) crumb, crown, crayons, crack, cricket, crow, cry, crib, craft, crane
  • DR: (10 words) dragon, drain, dream, drawer, dress, dragonfly, drum, dry, draw, drink,
  • FR: (10 words) freckle, frame, fraction, frown, freeze, frog,fry, friends, free, frizz
  • GR: (10 words) graduate, grin, grump, grow, grasshopper, graph, groom, grab, ground, grandma
  • PR: (10 words) prize, pray, price, pride, prince, princess, print, pretzel, president, press 
  •  TR: (10 words) trumpet, travel, triangle, trampoline, trash, tray tree, trophy, trap, trip

* S Blends - (140 images: 70 color, 70 b/w) 

  • SC: (10) scarecrow, scarf, scoop, scare(d), score, scan, scalp, scale, school, scar
  • SK- (10) ski, skate, skillet, skateboard, skirt, sketch, skull, skyscraper, skewer, sky
  • SM: (10) smart, smoothie, smash, smirk, smock, smell, smile,smoke, smear, smog
  • SN: (10) sneakers, snag, snore, snack, snake, snap, snorkel, sneeze, snail, snug
  •  SP: (10) spaghetti, spider, speak, spatula, sparkle, spice, sponge, spill, spin, spiral
  • ST: (10) stapler, stem, stamp, stage, stable, steps, stocking, stick, study, stake
  • SW: (10) swing, switch, swim, sweater, swat, swimsuit, sweets, swamp, swept/sweep, swipe
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